Your Health Is Our Utmost Concern. ÎÒÃǹػ³ÄãµÄ½¡¿µ
No Disease Is Accidental
Disease and loss of good health are not accidental. You have to violate nature¡¯s laws to lose your health and develop a disease. You have to eat, drink, and think yourself into a disease. If you want out of a disease, you have to work your way out of it just as you worked your way into it. You start to reverse this disease way of life by learning a right way of living. You have to learn a few important things about how your body works and how to meet its needs for foods, exercise, fresh air, clean water, rest, and recreation. Your doctor is not responsible for your health. He or she only becomes responsible for that part of your body that isn¡¯t working right when you show up at the clinic asking for help. Your doctor may or may not be able to help you ? YOU are responsible for your health. You know what you do every day that affects your body. You are a unique human being, and only you can make the adjustments in your diet and lifestyle necessary to be the healthiest and best person you can be. You can¡¯t put that responsibility onto your doctor, who can¡¯t do it for you¡ Guide To Body Chemistry & Nutrition |