Arthred® is a patented, low molecular weight, pharmaceutical grade hydrolyzed collagen product. It is extremely digestible and well tolerated. This formula contains high amounts of amino acids which have been linked to optimal body composition, healthy bone and connective tissue, healthy skin appearance, tissue anabolism, normal metabolism and growth hormone secretion.
Suitable for: Anti-Aging: helps improve skin firmness and elasticity
Buffered Vitamin C
Vitamin C is an important water-soluble antioxidant nutrient that is involved in a wide variety of biochemical reactions throughout the body. These buffered forms are formulated with carbonates of calcium and magnesium, giving an acid-alkaline buffering action (pH 7.0 in water) that potentially improves bowel tolerance, minimizes hyperacidity and well tolerated by individuals who are unable to tolerate other sources of vitamin C. Essential for collagen synthesis, vitamin C helps improve the overall skin health. It also helps to retard the aging process, making it an important antioxidant to any anti-aging protocol.
Suitable for: Anti-Aging
Delta-Fraction Tocotrienols
Part of the vitamin E family, tocotrienols is an important oil-soluble antioxidant crucial to the protection of fats, oils, and cell membranes against free radical damage. Research suggests that tocotrienols may offer protection from the sun's ultraviolet radiation and ozone rays, and helping preserve tocopherols in skin cells.
Suitable for Anti-Aging
Acne-prone skin
Sun-damaged skin
Dermatitis, eczema
Dry skin
A state-of-the-art combination of herbal extracts with standardized bioflavonoids, providing broad-spectrum antioxidant protection:
Milk thistle helps alleviate psoriasis (itchy, scaly red patches form on the elbows, forearms, knees, legs or scalp)
Bilberry helps accelerate the healing of wounds and scars.
Ginkgo biloba helps protect the skin against the toxic effects of excessive exposure to UV-B and helps prevent sunburn.
Grape Seed Extract helps to lighten “brown spots” on the skin, maintains the integrity of collagen and elastin and prevents skin aging.
Green Tea Extract helps reduce photoaging and sunburn caused by ultra-violet radiation, alleviates rosacea, and reduces the damages caused by exposure to the sun due to its EGCG content.
Cranberry and hawthorn extract are potent antioxidants and can deactivate hydrogen peroxide free radicals and superoxide free radicals.
Suitable for
Sun-damaged skin
GLA Borage Oil
This softgel formulation provides the highest potency gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) from borage oil. GLA is an omega-6 fatty acid and is considered a nutrient and semi-essential fatty acid. Borage oil is a potent GLA source, having the highest GLA content (23% min.) of any available oil. It is also a significant source of the essential linolenic acid, also an omega-6 fatty acid.
GLA is a precursor for key prostaglandins, and has been found to support healthy circulation and cholesterol within normal levels, hormonal balance, women's health, and healthy skin and joints. GLA helps to alleviate dry skin, atopic eczema, acne, and improve overall conditions of the skin. It may also be useful for the treatment of scleroderma.
Suitable for:
Acne-prone skin
Dry skin
Eczema, itchy skin
Women suffering from hormonal imbalance
A combination of the body’s premier antioxidant nutrients that are also its antitoxins. Glutathione is a major water-phase antioxidant inside the cell, while Vitamin C (ascorbate) is a major water-phase antioxidant outside the cell. Glutathione is a key nutritional component in liver detoxification pathways and can assist in detoxification from alcohol, heavy metals, and toxic chemicals. Vitamin C is crucial for the structure of the body, and an essential cofactor for collagen synthesis. The combination is used widely for liver (brown) spots, wounds and scars from acne and pimples, and aids in skin whitening.
Suitable for:
Wrinkles & sagging skin
Lightens brown spots, pigmentations, freckles
Grape Pips
Grape Pips contain flavonol proanthocyanidin (OPC) extract from grape seeds, which provides powerful antioxidant activity against peroxyl free radicals. 200mg of Grape Pips daily will help to maintain the integrity of the skin’s collagen and elastin, and support capillary integrity. It will also prevent some aspects of skin aging and inhibits the development of wrinkles. Water soluble, easily absorbed, and well tolerated.
Suitable for:
Wrinkles & sagging skin
Eczema, sensitive skin
HerBalance™ Cream
HerBalance Cream contains enzymes derived from wild yam extract that helps alleviate symptoms of PMS and menopause that includes unexplained weight gain, depression, fatigue, mood swings, loss of libido, memory loss, migraines and hot flushes. It can also help alleviate psoriasis, seborrhoea, rosacea, acne and wrinkles in adult women.
*Check with your doctor on application instruction.
Suitable for:
Pre-menstrual, pre-menopausal & menopausal women
KingChlorella combines pure, high quality chlorella with immunobiotic cell wall fragments (Russian Choice Immune®), to provide nutritional support for detoxification processes and for the immune response in the gut. Chlorella detoxifies, stimulates the immune system, supports healthy bowel function, and accelerates the healing of wounds.
Suitable for: Detoxification & cleansing
Studies indicate that lycopene may play an important role as a quencher of singlet oxygen free radicals. With an antioxidant punch 2 to 3 times more powerful than beta-carotene, this standardized nutrient is extracted from a special, high-lycopene tomato species. Lycopene concentrates in the skin (and is destroyed at a greater rate than other endogenous chemicals when skin is exposed to ultra-violet radiation). Lycopene also increases the amount of exposure to sunlight and ultra-violet radiation that can be tolerated prior to the manifestation of sunburn.
Neptune Krill Oil
Neptune Krill Oil (NKO™) is a unique EPA-DHA/phospholipid/antioxidant-containing oil extract derived from Antarctic krill, a shrimp-like organism. Due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, NKO has demonstrated an ability to improve skin health. Studies have shown that women who consumed NKO experienced an improvement in the look and feel of their hair, skin and nails. The other therapeutic effects of NKO include improvement of acne condition, alleviation of eczema and itching. *Individuals with seafood allergy should not take this product.
Suitable for:
Acne-prone skin
Eczema, itchy skin
Organic Flax Seed Oil
Flax seed oil is a naturally rich plant source of essential fatty acids. Essential fatty acids play essential roles in heart, vascular, vision, nerve, joint and brain function. Due to its high content of alpha-linolenic acid, flaxseed oil helps to improve acne conditions, eczema and the treatment of psoriasis. Consumed long-term, flaxseed oil may help increase the period of exposure to UV-B that can be tolerated before sunburn begins to occur.
Suitable for:
Acne-prone skin
Dry skin
Eczema, itchy skin
Pantothenic Acid
A clinical study done in 1995 demonstrated that pantothenic acid can help resolve several cases of acne. Acne vulgaris patients were treated with 2,500 mg of pantothenic acid 4 times per day (10,000 mg per day). In those patients with moderate acne, almost-total cures were observed within 2 months. Patients with severe acne took at least 6 months before improvement occurred. After improvement occurred, the dosage of pantothetic acid was reduced to a maintenance level of 1,000 1,500 mg per day.
Also known as vitamin B5, pantothenic acid is a coenzyme that is involved in the production of healthy skin and hair.
Dermatitis may occur as a result of vitamin B5 deficiency.
High doses of 2-20 grams in divided doses per day may help decrease the size of pores in persons afflicted with enlarged pores.
1,000 mg per day may improve overall skin appearance after a few weeks of consumption.
Suitable for:
Acne-prone skin
Enlarged pores
ProGreens is an all-natural drink mix formulated with the highest quality green superfoods designed to provide you with complete and wholesome nutrition. ProGreens contains organic, gluten-free grasses, standardized herbal extracts, blue-green and sea algae, 8 strains of dairy-free probiotics, natural fibers, concentrated superfoods, adaptogenic and support herbs. ProGreens is a complete whole food supplements that supports optimal health.
Suitable for:
General health
Eczema, itchy skin
Super EPA Fish Oil Concentrate
Research has indicated that omega-3 fatty acids can protect the skin from the inflammatory response caused by after-sun exposure by inhibiting the cancerous changes that occur after ultraviolet radiation. These fish-derived nutrients can reduce the risk of non-melanoma skin cancer, improve the overall appearance of the skin, and alleviate dry skin. It also helps increase the exposure period to UV-B.
Super EPA Fish Oil Concentrate is obtained from small cold-water fishes species found in their natural habitat; the coastal waters of Norway and Peru. The fish oil is molecularly distilled, and each batch is tested to insure purity and the absence of heavy metals and other contaminants.
Suitable for:
General health
Eczema, itchy skin
Sensitive skin
SynovoDerma is designed to support the production of healthy skin and joint tissue. Hyaluronic acid (HA) is found in the class of compounds known as glycosaminoglycans (GAG's) and is a lubrication proteoglycan. It helps alleviate dry skin, retains moisture in the skin and functions as a lubricant that form the skin’s natural moisturizing factor. Taken long-term, hyaluronic acid may retard premature aging of the skin (including photo-damage), rejuvenate and regenerate the epidermis. Supplemental hyaluronic acid can help retard the formation of wrinkles by retaining optimal amount of water in the dermis of the skin.
Suitable for:
Anti-aging: sagging skin
Dry skin
Clinical studies have indicated that zinc can stimulate new cell growth, enhance immunity, support male sexual function, fight free radicals and support healthy skin. Approximately 20% of the body’s total zinc reserves are stored in the skin, and rough or cracked skin can occur as a result of deficiency. Zinc helps improve the condition of acne patients by alleviating the inflammation associated with acne and decrease the excessive production of sebum that clogs the skin pores. Improvement in acne will become apparent in 90 days following daily zinc consumption.
Suitable for: Acne-prone, oily & inflamed skin
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Trusted by Doctors and Healthcare Professionals Since 1979
Science-Based, Clinically Researched
Only the Best Ingredients Used
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Trusted & Recommended by Doctors & Healthcare Professionals
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390 Victoria St
#02-30 Singapore 188061 Tel: 6292 2991
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