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Healing Through Organic Sunflower Oil

Article in Ukrainian Oncology Association Journal on Treatment method for Lymphatic disorders including AIDS and Cancer
by Dr. F. Karach M.D.

It is surprising that through this simple healing method a wide variety of symptoms have unquestionably disappeared without any side effects. This simple method is possible to completely heal a wide variety of diseases which would normally either be treated by surgical means or by powerful radiation or potent drugs, usually with significant side effects. The simplicity of this healing system in which sunflower oil is swirled backwards and forwards in the mouth is due to the stimulating effects which it has on the body’s eliminative system.

Through this method it is possible to heal individual cells, cell conglomerates such as lymph nodes and more complex tissues such as the internal organs simultaneously, this occurs because the beneficial micro flora throughout the body are provided with a healthy continuum.

Without this natural bodily intrinsic element evinced by the micro flora the usual pattern of human body tends to lean towards illness rather than wellness. Dr. Karach anticipates that regular application of this treatment to reverse the degenerative process would likely to increase the average human lifespan to approximately 150 years, double the present life expectancy.

By means of this treatment, diseases like migraine headaches, bronchitis, teeth and gum problems, arterio-thrombosis, chronic blood disorders such as leukemia, arthritis and related illnesses, neuro-physiological paralysis, eczema, gastro enteritis, peritonitis, heart disease, kidney disease, meningitis, and women’s hormonal disorders are completely eliminated.

The benefit of Dr. Karach’s method is that the sunflower oil therapy heals the whole body in perpetuity. In terminal diseases such as cancer, AIDS, and chronic infections this treatment method has been shown to successfully replace all others. Dr. Karach has successfully healed a chronic leukemia with 15 years of brush treatment methods behind him. Acute arthritis in one patient who has totally bedridden was completely healed in 3 days with no inflammation apparent.

How to do?
Buy some sunflower oil, preferably organic. It must be cold pressed oil. Ensure that the bottle is firmly capped immediately after use otherwise the unsaturated fatty acids will quickly become rancid on exposure to air. In the morning before brushing your teeth, before drinking anything and before breakfast, place one tablespoon of oil in your mouth. Do Not Swallow It. Rinse backwards and forwards without excessive pressure for 15 to 20 minutes, making sure that the oil is swilled between the teeth. At the same time stimulate the salivary glands by exercising the jaw as if chewing. This releases pre-digestive enzymes.

The toxins and bacteriophages within the circulatory system will be extracted by the oral salivary glands thereby cleaning the blood. For this reason one must under no circumstances swallow any of the oil rinsed in the mouth because it will contain elements of extreme toxicity. Initially the oil will be fairly viscous, but after a few minutes it will start to become thin and white like bleached wool. After 15~20 minutes, if the oil still appears yellow, continue the swilling until it turns white.

After spitting out the oil ensure that you rinse the mouth thoroughly several times with water, that you methodically brush your teeth, and finally wash your toothbrush. By cleaning the toothbrush afterwards as well as the sink you will ensure that large number of bacteria, viruses, and toxins and chemicals have been removed, when viewed under a microscope one drop of this oil and saliva mixture shows fungal spores, bacteria and other microscopic organisms in profusion.

Shortly after the rinsing of the oil is completed a noticeable strengthening of both lymphatic and circulatory systems is evident, this is possible due to the dual process of detoxification and autoimmune stimulation. A secondary effect of this oil therapy is the strengthening of teeth, improved circulation in the gums and improved growth and whitening of the teeth.

Although the oil therapy is best applied first thing in the morning before breakfast, when disease symptoms are evident it is of benefit to use the technique before main meals of the day, and when not having liquid for twenty minutes.

How long does one use this treatment?
This varies from person to person but treatment may be stopped when the quality and calmness of sleep has been restored to its natural form, when the appetite is healthy, and when upon first awakening in the morning there is no sign of tiredness. A secondary effect evident is significantly improved memory. Only when all of these conditions are fulfilled will treatment be unnecessary.

Does this treatment initially bring about worsening of health (so called healing crisis)?
Some patients with various illnesses, an apparent worsening of health may initially occur. This is due to the primary infection being depleted first, causing secondary infection to dominate temporarily. After a few days the secondary infection may disappear, and yet another be stimulated into activity. Such symptoms are usually apparent in persons suffering from chronic diseases. Dr Karach maintains just when these symptoms appear the oil treatment will facilitate rapid healing. Should the treatment be broken for one reason or another, the overall healing effects will be slowed down. For these reasons Dr. Karach maintains that an apparent worsening of health is an excellent sign that disease is progressively being removed from the body.

How often does one use this treatment daily?
This will depend on the general state of health of the person and the degree of toxicity present. The more often the oil is used the more powerful its effects.

Acute illnesses are usually healed in two to four days. Chronic illnesses which have developed over many years require a correspondingly longer treatment time. In some cases this may take up to one year. Do Not Give Up. Patients with terminal illnesses who have persisted with this treatment have attested to the good fortune and success which they have attained through this treatment method.
Toothbrushes can be given a final cleanup with 3% hydrogen peroxide.

From personal experience with this therapy, accumulated poisons in my jaw bone caused by previous improperly extracted teeth in the lower jaw became evident within 1 day of commencing treatment. The whole facial area, emanating from the sites of the extracted teeth became red and scaly and this progressed to the stage where the whole chin was affected. The condition became worse before it finally cleared in 2 weeks. There was much burning in this area, associated with the toxins being removed from the jaw. There was also healing in the lungs as mucous began to be expelled, again within 24 hours of starting treatment.

Editor's note: it is a very good way to cleanse the lymphatic circulation that is around the jaw, neck and upper part of the body. Important: it has to be done first thing after waking up in the morning and do not rinse or gargle your mouth prior to this. Make sure the oil becomes waterly and cloudly before spitting out. To achieve best result, the oil used must be cold-pressed organic sunflower oil (I think, other cold-pressed organic oils like grapeseed oil, olive oil etc, should also work).