Welcome To Nutrimax Wellness
We have a physical store at the following address:
Nutrimax Wellness
390 Victoria St #02-30 (Opp. Raffles Hospital) Singapore 188061
Tel: 62922991, 83338375 Hp: 83338375
Business Hours:
Monday to Friday: 11.00am to 7.30pm
Saturday: 11.00am to 6.30pm
Public Holiday & Sunday: 12.30pm to 5.30pm
Want to have a virtual tour of our store, click here...
Nutrimax Wellness was established in 2006.
Edwin Low, the founder, who is also our editor in charge and nutritional consultant, has spent time in research culminating to the completion of the health book entitled "Stop Your Health Being Stolen".
The book was published in Taiwan in 2004, and the simplified Chinese version was published in China in April 2008. We're currently working on the English version of the book.
This book details the shortfalls of modern diet: highly processed and de-natured "foods", and examine each of the 10 essential components of healthy body: 3 major sources of calorie, vitamins and minerals, oils and fats, enzymes, dietary fibre, probiotics, air and water.
Since July 2010, Edwin is writing health column for the Chinese Health Weekly Newspaper published by Mediacorp, Singapore. You might want to visit his blog @ http://www.liuxinyu.wordpress.com
Edwin advocates periodical fasting and detoxification to support the body self renewal & healing process.
The establishment of Nutrimax Wellness Store is to showcase the ingredients required for a healthy living. To a new customer, this is just an organic store, however, this is also the plateform whereby regular internal and external workshops and talks are being conducted to promote the awareness.
To date, several hundred sessions of talks were conducted in the premises and other places, including schools, local universities and clubs, National Library, community centres, associations and other commercial settings.
Our prime driving force lies with our firm conviction that health is for everyone and everyone should deserve to know the fact, to make informed decision and to enjoy his/her life to the fullest.
We're fully aware that highly refined, processed and denaturized foods laced with various man-made chemicals are harmful to our body. This gives us an extra-ordinary commitment to propagate the importance of eating organic and natural foods and to lead a healthy lifestyle.
As we're living in the highly polluted urban environment, we must learn ways and means to protect ourselves to stay healthy. It is no doubt that we could not change the environment (unless one chooses to emigrate), however, we could still be able to choose our lifestyle, eating habits and foods in order to live healthily.
Our mission is to extend the organic healthy lifestyle to average households in Singapore.
Ask a question:
Nutrimax Wellness Store, Singapore
390 Victoria St #02-30 Golden Landmark (Opp. Raffles Hospital) Singapore 188061 Tel: 6292 2991, 83338375 (Mobile)