NANO Bamboo Charcoal Toothbrush
S$12.00 per pack of 4
3-tier super fine soft brushes to clean your teeth effectively without harming the gum. Every strain of brush fibre is impregnated with bamboo charcoal prepared using nano technology.
Effective Brushing Tips
- Use dental floss or small gum brush to rid of the food debris in between teeth;
- Wet the toothbrush and coat with a thin layer of toothpaste;
- Brush lightly across the teeth laterally and in circular motion to clean and polish most of the enamel surface;
- Rotate the toothbrush vertically to clean in-betweens.
- Don't apply too much force when brushing, because it will do damage to the enamel surface and give rise to sensitive teeth!
- It is the tips of the brush that do the cleaning, applying too much force would bend/distort the tips rendering them to be ineffective and damage the toothbrush prematurely.
- Don't use toothpaste with fluroride as it is not necessary and harmful especially to children, as they don't usually brush and rinse their mouth thoroughly therefore would ingest the harmful substances in the toothpaste.
- It is a good habit to rinse your mouth after food to protect your teeth and freshen your breath.
Ask a question:
Nutrimax Wellness Store, Singapore
390 Victoria St #02-30 Golden Landmark (Opp. Raffles Hospital) Singapore 188061 Tel: 6292 2991, 83338375 (Mobile)