Biotta Organic Sauerkraut Juice
Sauerkraut juice is rich in natural L(+) lactic acid: Excellent for the digestion.
Many experts agree, sauerkraut juice is healthy and easily digested. The lactic acid in sauerkraut juice can inhibit the growth of undesired intestinal bacteria and stimulate digestive activity, which can be beneficial to a properly functioning digestion. The English sailor James Cook kept his crew healthy with it back in 1775.
Sauerkraut is very low calorie, contains large amounts of vitamin C and is ideal for diabetics.
Biotta Sauerkraut Juice is extracted from white cabbage through natural lactic acid fermentation
For more info and order:
Nutrimax Wellness Store, Singapore
390 Victoria St #02-30 Golden Landmark (Opp. Raffles Hospital) Singapore 188061 Tel: 6292 2991, 83338375 (Mobile)