The inner value of a juice is determined by the quality of the fruits and vegetables going into it. It is impossible to make high quality juice from low quality raw ingredients.
Production and preservation processes
The production processes have a direct influence on the quality of a juice. The basic rule: the fewer the steps in the production, and the lower the processing temperatures, the higher the nutritional value of the juice.
The result is that only the most important production and preservation steps are carried out.
Direct juice, 100% juice: (according to Swiss regulations LMV 231.1 Fruit, LMV 257.1 Vegetable) extracted from healthy, field-ripened fruits and /or vegetables and bottled in this pure, undiluted quality.
Fresh from the field to the bottle: After pressing, most vegetable juices are stored in tanks to be bottled as needed. The result of this is that the juices are repeatedly heated and the quality is diminished. The gentlest method is to bottle a juice immediately after pressing.
Juices made from concentrates: (according to Swiss regulation LMV 231.2 Fruit, LMV 257.2 Vegetable) are concentrated fruit juice or concentrated vegetable juice reconstituted, or diluted with water, to achieve the original concentration.
Artificial additives
Many juices contain artificial additives (preservatives, vitamins, etc). These additives don't belong in a natural product. Additives are strictly forbidden in organic juices.
Processing temperatures
The processing temperatures have an equally strong influence on juice quality.
Pasteurization (LMV 13.b)
Foods are considered pasteurized when they have been heated to a minimum temperature of 63°C and kept at this temperature or higher until all vegetative pathogenic bacteria have been destroyed.
Sterilization (LMV 13.e)
Foods are considered sterilized when the heating process ensures that, when stored under normal conditions, no microbial or enzymatic deterioration will take place. The temperatures vary according to product between 120° and 135°C.
UHT Ultra High Temperatures (LMV 13.d)
Foods are considered UHT when they have been heated to temperatures of 135-155° C for a period of a few seconds.