Breastlight -- Pain Free & Risk Free Breast Check
Breastlight is a product that allows you to see inside your breasts. It works by shining a powerful light through the breast tissue.
It is completely safe and easy to use.
Over 80% of women have told us they feel more confident when using Breastlight as part of their breast awareness routine.
How to use:
- Choose a room that you can make as dark as possible
- Apply lubricant to your skin
- Turn on Breastlight under one of your breasts and look down
- Keep your Breastlight pressed tightly against your skin.
- Use a mirror so you can see more
- Check all areas – including under the arms and high on the chest
- Please note that Breastlight may require an overnight charge before use
What to look for?
When you are looking at your breasts with Breastlight you may also see other dark areas. These could look like very dark spots or a shadowy area.
It is possible that these are abnormalities in the breast. If you see these you should go to your GP for advice.
These pictures illustrate what to look out for.
NOTE : these pictures have been created for illustrative purposes and are not clinical photographs.
It is important to check out any suspicious signs for your peace of mind. Whether it is a lump that you feel, a strange change in the nipple or a dark shadow seen with Breastlight you should follow up with your doctor.
Remember that not all abnormalities are cancerous. In fact in about nine out of ten cases it will not be a cancer but a minor ailment that can easily be treated.
The key thing is to go and see your Doctor straight away if you notice any changes or abnormalities.
Having it checked out as soon as possible could save you needless worry. And if the lump is cancerous then you will have the best possible chance of successful treatment.
Great improvements are being made in the treatment of breast cancer and as a result, the number of breast cancer survivors continues to increase.
Why should I check out any dark areas?
In the early stages of some types of malignancies there is an increase in the blood flow to the area. New blood vessels are formed in a process called angiogenesis.
Angiogenesis around a small malignancy
This increase in the number of small vessels may look like a dark shadow or dark area when Breastlight is used.
To order or to ask a question:
Nutrimax Wellness Store, Singapore
390 Victoria St #02-30 Golden Landmark (Opp. Raffles Hospital) Singapore 188061 Tel: 6292 2991, 83338375 (Mobile)