639 grams per can.
Job's Tears (Coix lacryma-jobi), is a tall grain-bearing tropical plant native to East Asia and peninsular Malaysia. In its native environment it is grown in higher areas where rice and corn do not grow well. Unlike the common thoroughly de-shelled Job’s Tears, the Red Job’s Tears retain the reddish bran that is full of natural wholesome nutrients: polyunsaturated fats (linoleic acid), vitamins B1, B2 and calcium, iron and phosphor. It is rich in water soluble dietary fibre. Traditionally, Job’s Tears are common ingredient in cuisine and also a treasured grain in TCM with an ability to strengthen digestive system.
The Full Healthy Red Job’s Tears Beverage Powder uses premium grade Red Job’s Tears as the major ingredient. During the production process, no high temperature, including toasting and roasting are employed. The product is further enriched with Calcium Lactate Gluconate (a high potency form of calcium) to ensure maximum availability of bioactive calcium for the user. This product has no preservatives.
Unlike the well polished the Job’s Tears in the market, the Red Job’s Tears used in this formulation retained the bran that is rich in Job’s Tears fats and much richer in vitamins, minerals and natural dietary fibre. Suitable for all ages.
Ingredients: Red Job’s Tears, Calcium Lactate Gluconate
Net Weight: 450g
Infusion: blend one or more spoonful of powder with lukewarm or hot water. It mixes well with milk, oat, soy milk, tea with milk or other wholesome beverages.
Regular consumption would nourish and strengthen the body system, improve metabolism, improve complexion, increase energy level and promote good health.