Radiancio is a natural supplement geared towards optimizing the condition of your skin, hair, and nails while strengthening your body and overall well-being. It will:
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Try a Proprietary Formula for Health and Beauty based on Ayurveda - the Oldest and Most Comprehensive Medical System Available.
Radiancio treats the underlying causes of Skin, Hair, and Nail Disorders - not just the symptoms!
Radiancio contains the 11 most potent beautifying herbal concentrates available in Ayurvedic Science and backed by clinical studies. When formulated in the correct amounts and blended by our proprietary process, 278 natural phytonutrients exert 534 synergistic activities on your body to rejuvenate your complexion, hair, and nails by improving circulation and nutrient transport, detoxifying your body, reducing inflammation and combating free radicals, engendering hormonal harmony, restoring immune system function, thwarting hair loss and acne, protecting against and reversing skin damage, and promoting overall wellness.
Radiancio improves circulation and nutrient transport by strengthening blood vessels, increasing hemoglobin and red blood cell production, and clearing the channels in your skin. It helps detoxify your body by increasing metabolism to expedite mucus secretion, elevating kidney glutathione content, promoting the growth of healthy liver cells, and supporting kidney and liver function. Radiancio supplies a number of powerful antioxidants which counteract inflammation and free radicals (asorbic acid, bacosides, curcuminoids, glycyrrhetinic acid, glycyrrhizin carbenoxolone, terpenoids, tinosporine, tinosporide, and tinosporaside).
It engenders hormonal harmony by rejuvenating your pancreas and restores immune system function by introducing phytonutrients that help combat allergic reactions and infections, increase antibody production, improve spleen function, and provide immunomodulation of non-specific cellular and humoral immune response. Radiancio thwarts hair loss and acne by reducing stress-induced production of sebum in the scalp and skin. It protects against and reverses skin damage by boosting your skin's healing capability, addressing tissue imbalances and discoloration, suppressing the production of interleukin-8 which spurs abnormal cell growth, protecting your skin from ultra-violet radiation, and enhancing the synthesis of Collagen, Keratin, and Elastin. Radiancio promotes overall wellness by soothing your body, relieving stress, and strengthening and nourishing your tissues.
The ingredients in Radiancio comprise a Proprietary Blend that goes to work on the entire entire body with positive impact on the structural and connective components of your skin, hair, and nails. Simply take one Radiancio capsule two times per day to maintain and intensify these effects on your body over time. For optimal results, please incorporate lifestyle guidance provided to you through medical consultation with our staff of Ayurveda doctors.
Radiancio's Proprietary Formula for Skin, Hair, and Nail Care Gives Lasting and Meaningful Results.
No Prescription Required!
Radiancio is a product of:
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5,000 years of Ayurvedic wisdom. |
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Modern testing and research. |
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Breakthrough encapsulation technique. |
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Laboratory-controlled potency. |
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Doctor-approved, carefully calibrated formula. |
How you act and feel about yourself are undeniably influenced by your physical appearance. Good appearance is an important element in your mental and emotional well being. In our beauty conscious society, it is increasingly popular for people to seek cosmetic improvements through drug injections and plastic surgery.
But nothing can compete with natural beauty which is a reflection of your innate health. The condition of your skin, hair, and nails reveal clues about your overall condition. When these clues are understood and proper action is taken, the underlying causes can be addressed to engender optimal health and appearance.
Skin is your largest organ. It covers your body surface (about 2 square meters), varies in thickness from about 0.5 to 3.0 mm, and has a normal temperature range of 32 to 36 degrees Celcius. It is thicker on the dorsal and extensor (the back of the body) than on the ventral and flexor (the front of the body) aspects of the body. It is thinner in infancy and in old age. The skin provides a waterproof and protective covering for the network of muscles, bones, nerves, blood vessels in your body, contains sensory nerve endings, and aids in the regulation of temperature. Our eyelids have the thinnest skin and the soles of our feet the thickest.
Skin Anatomy
The Epidermis, the protective outer layer of your skin, is about as thick as a sheet of paper over most parts of the body. Several pigments, including melanin, melanoid, carotene, reduced hemoglobin, and oxyhemoglobin, are found in this skin layer. The epidermis has four layers of cells that are constantly flaking off and being renewed. In these four layers are three special types of cells which are completely replaced every 28 days or so:
- Melanocytes produce melanin (situated chiefly in the stratum basale of the epidermis). This pigment gives skin its color and protects the body from ultraviolet light. Everyone has roughly the same number of melanocytes; however, those of dark-skinned people produce more melanin. Exposure to sunlight increases the production of melanin, which is why people get suntanned or freckled.
- Keratinocytes produce keratin, a type of protein that is a basic component of hair and nails. Keratin is also found in skin cells in the skin's outer layer, where it helps create a protective barrier.
- Langerhans cells help protect the body against infection.
The Subcutaneous Tissue, the bottom layer of your skin, is composed of connective tissue, sweat glands, blood vessels, and cells that store fat. This layer protects your body from blows and other injuries and helps it preserve heat.
There are two types of sweat-producing glands in your skin: the Eccrine Glands, mostly found in the forehead, palms, and soles of the feet, and the Apocrine Glands, which develop at puberty and are concentrated in the armpits and pubic region. By producing sweat, these glands help regulate body temperature and excrete waste products. A normal, healthy adult secretes about 1 pint (about half a liter) of sweat daily, but this may be increased by physical activity, fever, or hot environments.
Skin Functions
Besides making you look good, skin serves you in diverse ways:
- Protection - Your skin is an anatomical barrier between internal and external environment in bodily defense.
- Sensation - Your skin contains a variety of nerve endings that react to heat, cold, touch, pressure, vibration, and tissue injury.
- Heat Regulation - Your skin contains a blood supply far greater than its requirements which allows precise control of energy loss by radiation, convection, and conduction. Dilated blood vessels increase perfusion and heat loss while constricted vessels greatly reduce cutaneous blood flow and conserve heat.
- Evaporation Control - Your skin provides a relatively dry and impermeable barrier to fluid loss. Loss of this function contributes to the massive fluid loss in burn cases.
- Storage and Synthesis - Your skin acts as a storage centre for lipids and water, as well as a means of synthesis of vitamin D and B by action of Ultra Violet energy on certain parts of the skin. This synthesis is linked to pigmentation, with darker skin producing more vitamin B than D, and vice versa.
- Excretion - Waste matter is removed along with sweat.
- Absorption - Oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide diffuse into the epidermis in small amounts.
Acanthosis Nigricans
Acanthosis Nigricans is a complex skin condition characterized by dark thickened velvety patches, especially in the folds of skin in the armpit, groin, and back of the neck. It can occur in conjunction with endocrine diseases such as Cushing disease, tumors of the pituitary gland, and diabetes mellitus. It is also common in people who have insulin resistance, whose bodies are not responding correctly to the insulin being produced in their pancreas. Acanthosis Nigricans also occurs as a result of underlying malignancies (especially carcinomas of the vicera), administration of certain drugs, and as a genetic disorder inherited in an autosomal dominant (a pattern of inheritance in which an affected individual has one copy of a mutant gene and one normal gene on a pair of autosomal chromosomes or non-sex chromosomes) manner.
Acne Vulgaris
Acne is a common skin condition caused by changes via androgen stimulation in pilosebaceous units, skin structures consisting of a hair follicle and its associated sebaceous gland. Most of the time, the sebaceous glands make the right amount of sebum but as you age, hormones stimulate the sebaceous glands to make more sebum. This can lead to acne when pores become clogged by too much sebum and too many dead skin cells. Later in life, these glands produce less sebum, which contributes to dry skin in older people. Acne vulgaris affects the areas of skin with the densest population of sebaceous follicles; these areas include the face, the upper part of the chest, and the back. Severe acne is inflammatory, but acne can also manifest in noninflammatory forms. Acne lesions are commonly referred to as pimples, blemishes, spots, zits, or simply acne.
Acne occurs most commonly during adolescence, affecting more than 89% of teenagers, and frequently continues into adulthood. In adolescence, acne is usually caused by an increase in male sex hormones, which people of both genders experience during puberty. For most teenagers, acne diminishes over time and tends to disappear or at the very least decrease after the early twenties. There is, however, no way to predict how long it will take to disappear entirely, and some individuals will carry this condition well into their thirties, forties and beyond.
Aside from scarring, its main effects are psychological, such as reduced self-esteem and, according to at least one study, depression.
Dermatitis is inflammation of the upper layers of the skin, causing itching, blisters, redness, swelling, and often oozing, scabbing, and scaling. It is usually prompted by contact with a particular substance (causing allergic reactions), certain drugs, varicose veins, constant scratching, and fungal infection. Dermatitis can become chronic when not given immediate attention. Some types of dermatitis affect only specific parts of the body, whereas others can occur anywhere.
Seborrheic Dermatitis, a distinct form of Dermatitis, causes oily, waxy patches to develop on the scalp. This can also affect babies, typically in the first six months of their lives in the form of a flaky, dandruff-like condition on the scalp.
Eczema is a skin condition characterized by rashes, itchiness, inflammation, dry skin, and sensitive skin. It is common in both children and adults and often affects people who suffer from asthma, allergies, and stress. In more than 50% of patients, the onset of eczema occurred before the age of 10 years. One in five school-age children in Singapore has eczema and it is more common among the Chinese and Malays compared with the Indians and other races.
The three common forms of Eczema are:
- Atopic Dermatitis is the most common and is seen most often in children. 1 to 3 percent of adults compared to 10 to 20 percent of children have this long-term genetic disease, which causes itchy rashes in the crux of the elbows and behind the knees.
- Allergic Contact Dermatitis begins to show in adulthood and is caused by environmental factors such as cosmetic agents, fragrances, and the metals in jewelry.
- Nummular Dermatitis appears as red and flaky coin-shaped patches in the skin caused by dryness and is accompanied by severe itchiness.
Graves Disease
Graves Disease is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism (overproduction of thyroid hormone). The rare, painless, reddish lumpy skin rash of Graves Disease is an autoimmune process, caused by thyroid-stimulating antibodies which bind to and activate the thyrotropin receptor on thyroid cells. Factors that can trigger the onset of Graves Disease include stress, smoking, radiation to the neck, medications (such as interleukin-2 and interferon-alpha), and infectious organisms such as viruses.
A keloid is a scar that doesn't know when to stop. When your skin is injured, cells grow back to fill in the gap. Somehow, they "know" when the scar tissue is level with the skin, at which point the cells stop multiplying. When the cells continue reproducing, the result is a what is called a overgrown (hypertrophic) scar or a keloid, a tough heaped-up scar that rises quite abruptly above the rest of the skin. It is irregularly shaped and tends to enlarge progressively. In other words, keloids are due to an excessive response to trauma such as a cut to the skin. In creating a normal scar, connective tissue in the skin is repaired by the formation of collagen. This occurs in the dermis (the layer of skin just below the epidermis, the outer layer of skin). Keloids arise when there is too much collagen formed in the dermis during the repair of connective tissue.
Keloid susceptibility is clearly genetic. Keloids are known to have occurred in 5 successive generations within a single family. People of African or Asian descent are more likely to get keloids than people with lighter skin. This tendency is important when someone of African or Asian descent is considering elective plastic surgery; the surgery can lead to keloids and more trouble than it cures.
Psoriasis is a chronic and disfiguring genetic disease that occurs when skin cells grow too quickly. This excess skin tissue build up is caused by faulty signals in the immune system prompting new skin cells to form faster than normal. The body does not cast these excess skin; they pile up on the surface of the skin as lesions. Psoriasis usually appears on the elbows and knees, but can spread to other parts of the limbs and even the trunk. Stress, anxiety, and cold-weather condition aggravate this disease.
Wrinkles are a by-product of the aging process. As you age, skin cells divide more slowly and the inner layer (the dermis) begins to thin. The network of elastin (the protein which causes skin to stretch) and collagen fibers (the major structural proteins in the skin) loosen and unravel to cause depressions on the surface. Skin loses its elasticity and its abilities to retain moisture, secrete oil, and heal. All of these contribute to the development of wrinkles.
Hair is a form of protein filament that grows through the epidermis from follicles deep within the dermis. Human hair consists of the hair shaft, which projects from the skin's surface, and the root, a soft thickened bulb at the base of the hair embedded in the skin. The root ends in the hair bulb. The hair bulb sits in a sac-like pit in the skin called the follicle, from which the hair grows. Each hair grows about 1/4 inch (about 6 millimeters) every month and keeps on growing for up to 6 years.
The hair then falls out and another grows in its place. The length of a person's hair depends on the length of the growing phase of the follicle. Follicles are active for 2 to 6 years; they rest for about 3 months after that. You become bald if the scalp follicles become inactive and no longer produce new hair. Thick hair grows out of large follicles; narrow follicles produce thin hair.
The color of a person's hair is determined by the amount and distribution of melanin in the cortex of each hair (the same melanin that's found in the epidermis). Hair also contains a yellow-red pigment; people who have blonde or red hair have only a small amount of melanin in their hair. Hair becomes gray as you age because pigment stops forming.
At the bottom of the follicle is the papilla, where hair growth actually takes place. The papilla contains an artery that nourishes the root of the hair. As cells multiply and produce keratin to harden the structure, they are pushed up the follicle and through the skin's surface as a shaft of hair. Each hair has three layers: the medulla at the center, which is soft; the cortex, which surrounds the medulla and is the main part of the hair; and the cuticle, the hard outer layer that protects the shaft. Hair grows by forming new cells at the base of the root. These cells multiply to form a rod of tissue in the skin. The rods of cells move upward through the skin as new cells form beneath them. As they move up, they are cut off from their supply of nourishment and start to form a hard protein called keratin in a process called keratinization. As this process occurs, the hair cells die. The dead cells and keratin form the shaft of the hair.
The hair on our heads and bodies isn't just for physical attractiveness but also for protection. It keeps us warm by preserving heat. The hair in our nose, ears, and around our eyes protects these sensitive areas of the body from dust and other small particles. Eyebrows and eyelashes protect our eyes by decreasing the amount of light and particles that enter them. The fine hair that covers our bodies provides warmth and protects our skin. Hair also cushions the body against injury.
Hair plays an important role in the definition of individuality and appearance, though. It affects your self-esteem and hair loss can cause significant psychological trauma as well as loss of self and sense of societal failure.
Alopecia (Hair Loss)
Hormonal problems (imbalance on androgens and estrogens) cause hair loss. If your thyroid gland is overactive or underactive, your hair may fall out. This hair loss usually can be reversed by treating the thyroid disease. Medications for thinning blood (anticoagulants), gout, high blood pressure, heart problems, birth control, and depression as well as excessive intake of Vitamin A have been linked to Alopecia. Hair loss may occur as part of an underlying disease, such as lupus, diabetes, and fungal infections.
Common Baldness

"Common baldness" usually means male-pattern baldness, or permanent-pattern baldness. It is also called androgenetic alopecia and the most common cause of hair loss in men. Men who have this type of hair loss usually have inherited the trait. Men who start losing their hair at an early age tend to develop more extensive baldness. In male-pattern baldness, hair loss typically results in a receding hair line and baldness on the top of the head. Women may develop female-pattern baldness. In this form of hair loss, the hair can become thin over the entire scalp.
Hirsutism is a condition in which too much hair grows on the face or body of women. It is caused by abnormally high levels of male hormones (androgens). A woman with Hirsutism may exhibits dark, thick hair on her face, chest, abdomen and back. This thick, dark hair is different from the hair that some women have on their upper lip, chin, breasts or stomach, or the fine "baby" hair all over their body. Symptoms of Hirsutism include acne, irregular menstrual periods, deepening of the voice, increased muscle mass, and decreased breast size.
Tinea Capitis
Tinea Capitis a type of ringworm, is a fungal infection that forms a scaly, ring-like lesion in the scalp.
Unhealthy Hair Condition
Poor nutrition can cause unhealthy hair conditions like dullness, dryness, hair breakage, brittleness, slowed or altered hair growth.
Nails grow out of deep skin folds on your fingers and toes. As epidermal cells below the nail root move up to the surface of the skin, they increase in number, and those closest to the nail root become flattened and pressed tightly together. Each cell is transformed into a thin plate; these plates are piled in layers to form your nails. When the nail cells accumulate, the nail is pushed forward. The skin below the nail is called the matrix. The larger part of the nail, the nail plate, looks pink because of the network of tiny blood vessels in the underlying dermis. The whitish crescent-shaped area at the base of the nail is called the lunula. Fingernails grow about three or four times as quickly as toenails. If a nail is torn off, it will regrow if the matrix is not severely injured. White spots on the nail are sometimes due to temporary changes in growth rate.
Common nail irregularities, diseases, and disorders are often caused by bacteria and fungi that live on our skin and on the dead tissue of our hair and nails. Symptoms of nail diseases include discoloration or spotting, pain, red swelling, pits, ridges, scars, lesions, and brown-black band.
Onychauxis is characterized by over-thickening of the nail plate and may be a result of internal disorders.
Paronchynia Infection
This nail disease is characterized by pain, redness, and swelling of the nail folds caused by bacteria invasion. People who have their hands in water for extended periods have a greater risk of developing this condition.
Tinea Unguis
Also called ringworm of the nails, Tinea Unguis is characterized by nail thickening, deformity, and eventually results in nail plate loss.
What Your Nails say about your Health
The condition of your nails could be indicative of various health problems:
- Bluish Nails - Nails with a bluish tint can mean the body is not getting enough oxygen. This could indicate an infection in the lungs, such as pneumonia.
- Cracked or Split Nails - Dry, brittle nails that frequently crack or split have been linked to thyroid disease. Cracking or splitting combined with a yellowish hue is more likely due to a fungal infection.
- Dark Lines Beneath the Nail - Dark lines beneath the nail should be investigated as soon as possible. They are sometimes caused by melanoma, the most dangerous type of skin cancer.
- Gnawed Nails - Nail biting or picking has also been linked to obsessive-compulsive disorder, a sign of persistent anxiety.
- Pale Nails - Very pale nails are sometimes linked to aging. But they can also be a sign of serious illness, such as Anemia, Congestive Heart Failure, Diabetes, Liver Disease, and Malnutrition.
- Puffy Nail Fold - If the skin around the nail appears red and puffy, this is known as inflammation of the nail fold. It may be the result of lupus or another connective tissue disorder.
- Rippled Nails - If the nail surface is rippled or pitted, this may be an early sign of psoriasis or inflammatory arthritis. Psoriasis is a skin condition that starts in the nails 10% of the time.
- White Nails - If the nails are mostly white with darker rims and are jaundiced, this can indicate liver problems, such as hepatitis.
- Yellow Nails - One of the most common causes of yellow nails is fungal infection. As the infection worsens, the nail bed may retract, and nails may thicken and crumble. In rare cases, yellow nails can indicate a more serious condition such as severe thyroid disease or psoriasis.
Deterioration of Beauty and Inner Health

Your physical beauty deteriorates as you age. It is common to all human beings and is inevitable. Yet, there are several factors that speed up this aging process, wear out your physical wellness, and pry away your grip on innate health and attractiveness.
Alcohol and Tobacco
Drinking large amounts of alcohol causes a dramatic rise in estrogen levels in your body. Excess estrogen causes hair loss and increases the amount of a stress hormone called cortisol which is also linked to hair loss. Excessive drinking stresses vital organs like the liver and kidneys, proliferates free radicals throughout your body, yellows your skin, and damages blood vessels to engender spider veins on your skin. Smoking deprives your body of moisture and oxygen, causing yellow teeth, bad breath, body odor, wrinkles, and dull skin and hair. Cigarettes contain toxic chemicals such as cyanide and nicotine that percipitate heart disease, emphysema, and stroke.
Drug Side Effects
Medications such as Coumadin (Warfarin), Lopid (Gemfibrozil), Antidepressants, Beta-Blockers, Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs), and drugs for Gout, Arthritis, Birth Control, and High Blood Pressure trigger hair loss, worsen skin conditions, and give rise to skin allergies.
Hormonal Changes
Hormonal changes cause complexion problems. Acne usually develops during the stage of puberty when the body starts producing androgen hormones. These hormones stimulate the sebaceous glands in the skin to enlarge and to secrete more oil and sebum. This overproduction of sebum causes it to move to the hair shaft on to the outside layer of the skin, connect with bacteria and create blockage in the pores. This is where the bacteria accumulate and break out as Acne. During menopause, a 90% drop in estrogen and 66% drop in progesterone levels usually occur. This thins and atrophies your skin.
Female hair loss is likewise linked to hormonal imbalances. When estrogen levels fall, hair loss is an immediate side effect.
Improper Diet
Eating in moderation is crucial for health and youthful appearance. Diet directly impacts your skin and face. Improper diet leads to bowel problems, which congest your intestines with stagnant waste matter that pollutes your entire body system. This is called auto-intoxication or "self-poisoning". The effects of this are usually manifested by dull skin, dry hair, pale complexion, and low energy levels. Food high in iodine content can make skin problems (Acne in particular) worse.
Ultraviolet radiation from the sun has many damaging effects: skin cancer, photo-aging (including wrinkles), sunburn inflammation (erythema), and local or systemic immunosuppression. Ultraviolet (UV) Rays react with a chemical called melanin that is found in the skin. This is the first defense against the sun, as it is the melanin that absorbs the dangerous UV rays that can do serious skin damage. A sunburn develops when the amount of UV damage exceeds the protection that your skin’s melanin can provide. Over exposure to sunlight also causes collagen and elastin deterioration and skin's fat layer depletion.
Our looks, especially our skin, is a reflection of our inner physical and mental health. Many people develop acne during stressful phases of their lives. Sleep influences other health elements such as your diet, energy, and mental health. Lack of sleep is particularly unhealthy for the skin and hair as it provides them less opportunity to heal over night. Sleep deprivation increases inflammatory cytokines and insulin resistance, which trigger acne break-out and skin blemishes. Just a week of insufficient sleep either due to stress or tough and long working hours bring dark circles under your eyes, which no cosmetic product can eliminate completely. Only mental relaxation and sleep work to rejuvenate your appearance.
Emotional stresses disturb your body's homeostasis and result in hormonal imbalances and impairment of immunological functions. Skin constantly renews itself. In youth, the cell renewal process completes within 28 days but as you grow older, this process slows. Poor mental health is known to retard skin rejunvenation further, thus explaining why unhappy people appear older than they really are.
The key to beautiful skin really is the inner glow of physical and mental health.
Western Medicine
Western Medicine relies on aggressive and costly prescription drugs and surgery to address skin, hair, and nail problems. These methods generally address only the symptoms and not the underlying causes. As soon as you stop using the drugs, the problem returns! These prescription drugs often result in unwanted and even dangerous side effects including undermining the natural rejuvenation and processes of your entire body system.
The options for drug treatment are bewildering: Benzoyl Peroxide, Salicylic Acid, Prescripption Retinoids (Accutane, Isotretinoin), Oral Retinoids, Antibiotic Gels, Azelaic Acid, Oral Antibiotics, Antithyroid Drugs, Radioactive Iodine, Anti-androgen Medicines (Spironolactone, Finasteride), Birth Control Pills, Eflornithine, Collagen Injections, Minoxidil, and Propecia. Several surgery options are also being done nowadays: Dermabrasion, Laser Resurfacing, Chemabrasion, Hair Transplant, Skin Lifts and Grafts, and Scalp Reduction. Typically once drug treatment begins, it is recommended for life and usually involves a series of medications.
The combined COMMON side effects of these medications include abnormal hair growth, abnormal skin sensations, bleeding and redness or swelling of the gums, changes in menstrual flow, chapped lips, decreased tolerance to contact lenses, dizziness, dryness, dry eyes and mouth, dry nose that may lead to nosebleeds, dry or peeling skin, fatigue, feeling of warmth, flushing, general body discomfort, hair thinning, headache, irritation, itching, lack of energy, nervousness, peeling, redness, respiratory tract infection, scaling skin, sleeplessness; stinging, swelling, sweating, temporary worsening of acne, and voice changes.
The combined SEVERE side effects of these medications include bizarre, aggressive, or violent behavior, bowel pain, chest pain or pounding in the chest, dark urine, depression, difficult or painful swallowing, difficulty moving, excessive thirst or urination, excessive burning, intching, redness or tenderness of skin, extreme dryness, fainting, fast heartbeat, fever, fractured or weak bones, hearing problems or ringing in the ears, increased pressure in the brain (pressure in the eye, nausea, vision changes, vomiting), joint or back pain, leg swelling, muscle weakness with or without pain, nausea, new or worsening heartburn, rectal bleeding, red patches or bruises on the legs, shortness of breath, seizures, severe allergic reactions (rash, hives, itching, dizziness, difficulty breathing, tightness in the chest, swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue), severe irritation, severe birth defects, severe diarrhea, severe headache, skin infection, sloughing of the skin, slurred speech, stomach pain or tenderness, stroke, stunted growth in children, sun sensitivity, swelling of the pancreas (fever, increased heartbeat, nausea, stomach tenderness, vomiting), swelling in the treated areas, swollen glands, thoughts of suicide, tightness in the lungs, vision changes, vomiting, weakness, and yellowing of the skin or eyes.
All surgery carries the risk of death (especially when general anesthesia is involved), complications, infection, and scarring.
Ayurvedic Medicine
Ayurveda, the science of life, prevention, and longevity, is the oldest and most holistic and comprehensive medical system available. Its fundamentals can be found in Hindu scriptures called the Vedas - the ancient Indian books of wisdom written over 5,000 years ago. Ayurveda uses the inherent principles of nature to help maintain health in a person by keeping the individual's body, mind, and spirit in perfect equilibrium with nature.
India Herbs has a seasoned group of Ayurvedic doctors specialized in Rasayana Chikitsa, one of the eight major specialties of Ayurveda. It is the branch of Ayurveda that deals with various aspects of preventive health care. Rasayana Chikitsa includes therapies for longevity, improved memory, health, youthfulness, complexion, and strengthing of body and senses. Rasayana Chikitsa prescribes the therapeutic use of various herbal and holistic preparations for enhancing youthfulness, complexion, and overall health.
India Herbs' Rasayana Chikitsa doctors combine a proprietary herbal formula based on centuries' old wisdom with advice on diet, exercise, mental training, and relaxation to help you attain optimal skin, hair, and nail health.
You can optimize your appearance while enhancing your overall well-being by:
1) Reversing Damage - Years of stressful living caused damage to your skin, hair, and nails. To help reverse this, Radiancio releases hundreds of phytonutrients that act at the molecular level to improve circulation and nutrient transport, detoxify your body, reduce inflammation and combat free radicals, engender hormonal harmony, restore immune system function, thwart hair loss and acne, protect against and reverse skin damage, and promote overall wellness.
2) Increasing Water Intake - You need to take in enough water for general health, toxin elimination through urination, and proper kidney and liver function. Water is essential for natural body detoxification. Your skin is 90% water. Water hydrates, revitalizes, detoxifies, and oxygenates your skin. Drink 2 liters of filtered water each day, the water will not only help you stay radiant and in shape but it will also help your brain work better.
3) Increasing Amino Acid Intake - Food rich in amino acids improve your body's HGH (Human Growth Hormone) production. HGH is the anti-aging hormone found in your body, which helps you to naturally retain a more youthful appearance. Foods rich in amino acids include chicken, fish, beans, nuts, and milk.
4) Increasing Fruit and Vegetable Intake - Fresh green leafy vegetables and fruits such as bananas, apricots, carrots, spinach, tomatoes are simple anti-aging foods. They are high in fiber and nutrients that sustain metabolism levels necessary for good skin, healthy hair and pliant nails.
5) Increasing Vitamin A Intake - Vitamin A is a potent anti-oxidant essential for good skin and healthy scalp. It is required for development and maintenance of the epithelial cells in the mucus membranes and in your skin. It is also important in the formation of bone and teeth, storage of fat, and the synthesis of protein and glycogen. A daily dosage of 800 mcg is recommended. Foods rich in Vitamin A include carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, kale, cantaloupe, apricots, peaches, papayas, mangos, milk, eggs, and liver.
6) Increasing Vitamin C Intake - Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) is required in the synthesis of collagen in connective tissue, neurotransmitters, steroid hormones, carnitine, conversion of cholesterol to bile acids, and enhancement of iron bioavailability. Ascorbic acid is a great antioxidant that helps shield your body against pollutants attacking your skin and scalp. It also promotes healthy cell development, proper calcium absorption, normal tissue growth, and repair like healing of wounds and burns. A daily dosage of 90 mg is recommended. Good sources of Vitamin C are citrus fruits like oranges, pineapple, tomatoes, potatoes, and dark green vegetables.
7) Increasing Vitamin E Intake - This vitamin helps to enhance scalp circulation and skin conditioning. It helps the skin look younger by promoting healing and reducing the risk of scar tissue formation. A daily dosage of 450 IU is recommended. Foods rich in Vitamin E are soy beans, nuts, dried beans, and green leafy vegetables.
8) Increasing Biotin Intake - Biotin (a type of Vitamin B) helps prevent hair loss and graying. It supports the keratin formation needed for strong hair strands. Biotin also nourishes your skin, sweat glands, nerve tissue, and bone marrow, and assists with reduction of muscle pain. A daily dosage of 0.3 mg is recommended. Whole grains, liver, rice, milk and egg yolks are rich in Biotin.
9) Increasing Iodine Intake - Iodine support proper Thyroid function and production of hormones (such as thyroxine, thyroxin) that regulate the conversion of fat to energy (stabilizing your body weight) and cholesterol levels while maintaining optimal bone, skin, hair, and nail health. A daily dosage of 150 micrograms per day. Iodine is found in eggs, milk, seafood, kelp, and asparagus.
10) Exercising Regularly - Exercise has important benefits for your skin. It increases circulation, delivery of oxygen and nutrients to skin cells, and removal of potentially damaging toxins. These benefits engender ideal collagen production necessary to keep wrinkles at bay. Exercise also increases sweating which unclogs pores and mediates the production of testosterone-related hormones that might trigger acne and androgenic hair loss. Add at least three 30 to 60 minute exercise sessions to your weekly beauty routine to infuse skin cells with oxygen. Stretching should be included as it tones and conditions your muscles. Skin attached to these muscles becomes firm and lustrous.
11) Getting Enough Sleep - Sleep is essential for skin health and overall wellness. If you are sleep deprived, you will look older and tired due to sagging eyelids and bags. Proper amount of sleep allows your body to rejuvenate overnight. When you sleep, your body rests and restores its energy levels. Consistently good sleep helps you cope with stress, solve problems, and recover from illness, and helps ensure long-term physical and mental well-being. The recommended average amount of sleep per day is 8 hours.
Results: The precise combination of ingredients in Radiancio along with a mind-body focus precisely addresses your Health and Beauty concerns.