Kyäni Nitro FX™ (This product is no more available)
Kyäni Nitro FX™ is a proprietary blend of Noni plant. The Noni plant is a small evergreen tree found in the open coastal regions at sea level, as well as in forested areas up to 1,300 feet. Noni's scientific name is ‘Morinda Citrifolia’. It is a member of the Mulberry family and is also sometimes called ‘Indian Mulberry’. Kyäni Nitro FX™ has a minty taste and smell as it contains spearmint which makes Kyäni Nitro FX™ even tastier. Use Kyӓni Nitro FX™ as needed throughout the day and start to Experience More with Kyani!
Any question, order or to become a member, please call:
Nutrimax Wellness Store, Singapore
390 Victoria St #02-30 Golden Landmark (Opp. Raffles Hospital) Singapore 188061 Tel: 6292 2991, 83338375 (Mobile)