De-Stress Workshop for Corporate: Fight Stress with Yoga
Modern life is a endless race against time. Business and family pressures, continual emotional tension and anxiety, hurried meals, improper food, indulgence in alcohol and stimulants, all are taking their toll in nervous indigestion and fatigue, restless sleep, strain and irritability, as well as all the myriad other psychosomatic illnesses that beset modern humanity. Today’s human being has completely forgotten how to relax. It’s called STRESS.
In this workshop we will learn how to use the system of yoga to overcome the harmful effects of stress on both physical and mental level. You will learn about:
- Yoga Postures
- Meditation
- Breathing tecniques
- Diet
The lecturer, Dada Shankar’san Ananda is a yoga monk. He was born in Norway in 1964 and worked many years as a TV producer. His attraction towards mysticism and yoga drew him to India where he later studied and graduated from the ancient educational system known as Gurukula. He today holds the titles of Acarya and Avadhuta.
Dada has been in-charge of Ananda Marga Yoga Society (AMYS) since 2001. His passion for education, yoga and social progress made him initiate the Ananda Marga Yoga Academy (AMYA) in 2007. Today he serves as AMYA’s principal and lecturer.
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Nutrimax Wellness Store, Singapore
390 Victoria St #02-30 Golden Landmark (Opp. Raffles Hospital) Singapore 188061 Tel: 6292 2991, 83338375 (Mobile)