
Enema Kit

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Nature's Glory Coffee Enema Powder


Certified Organic Coffee Powder for Coffee Enema,
Nature's Glory Product of USA.

For body unable to excrete waste materials adequately, commonly resulting in liver and kidney failure.

To prevent this, the Gerson Therapy uses intensive detoxification to eliminate wastes, regenerate the liver, reactivate the immune system and restore the body's essential defences - enzyme, mineral and hormone systems.

Also, and more importantly, the coffee enema contains Palmitic Acid, this ingredient gets the liver to produce an Enzyme glutathione-S-transferase that cleans the blood, also cause increased bile flow.

Single-dose: Take 3 rounded tablespoonfuls of finely ground organic certified coffee and add to about a litre of distilled or filtered water. (Note: only distilled or filtered water is to be used for the enema). Boil briskly for 3 minutes, then simmer covered for 15 minutes. Filter out the solution using a fine strainer lined with cheesecloth. This will result in something less than a litre of liquid. Fill to a litre with water and cool to body temperature (warm to the touch) before use.

Concentrated dose: Take 12 rounded tablespoonfuls of finely ground our organic certified coffee which approved from Gerson sources and add to about 2 litres of water. Follow the boiling, simmer, and straining procedures as above. Fill to 2 litres with water and divided into 4 portions to bottle and refrigerate when cooled, to last up to 2 days.

Administering the Enema:

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390 Victoria St #02-30 Golden Landmark (Opp. Raffles Hospital) Singapore 188061 Tel: 6292 2991, 83338375 (Mobile)