Lavender Highland 10ml 高原薰衣草
Stress, frustration, irritability, anxiety, depression, insomnia, pains and cramps, earache, toothache, headache, colds, allergies, hypertension, palpitation, burns, sunburns, bruises, wounds, itching, acne, stretch marks, eczema, dermatitis, insect bites, insect repellent.
最多功能的万用精油非薰衣草莫属。每个家庭至少都应该有一瓶,因为它在处理烧伤、烫伤、擦伤、蚊虫叮咬等方面问题非常有效。其香气具有安抚和支持心得气能的作用,闻名于放松身心、帮助入眠和解除头痛的症状,极为温和的精油, 适合所有年龄层人士包括婴幼儿及长期使用。
To order or to ask a question:
Nutrimax Wellness Store, Singapore
390 Victoria St #02-30 Golden Landmark (Opp. Raffles Hospital) Singapore 188061 Tel: 6292 2991, 83338375 (Mobile)